The Heart of Frida Collection
The Heart of Frida is a collection of 37 intimate notes and letters and six drawings that have been hidden for over half a century in Mexico City. The debut of the Heart of Frida collection was held from Dec. 5 to Jun. 30, 2007 at the Casa Maxwell Gallery in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Museo de Arte de Queretaro exhibited the collection in 2008, sponsored by Secretaria de Educacion del Estado de Queretaro, and by Instituto Queretano de la Cultura y las Artes.
The notes and letters were discovered in a traditional Michoacan laquered box with the letters F K on the outer lid and Coyoacan Frida Kahlo 1950 hand painted on the inner lid.
Inside the box there were three different types of correspondence: letters, notes and postcards.
In the Box there were eight handwritten letters contained in envelopes addressed by hand to Frida herself at Coyoacan, her home town outside Mexico City. These letters to herself detail her most intimate thoughts about her husband Diego Rivera, the famous Mexican muralist.
Also inside the box, there were twenty-seven notes written by Frida Kahlo on yellow scratch pad paper. They detail her relationship to Diego Rivera, her political position, and her extraordinary heroism in the face of pain and impending death. These letters and notes were written between 1950 and 1954.
In addition, there were two postcards in the box written by Frida in 1939 when she was in Paris. These postcards were never mailed. One of them was addressed to her first love, Alejandro Gomez Arias, about her then husband Diego.
There are six drawings in the collection. In 1945, Frida made four drawings on the backs of losing lottery tickets. Perhaps at the same time she made two signed drawings on brown paper, one of which is a self portrait as a mariposa (butterfly).