Alex, Here is a view from Paris, do you know who this reminds me of?
Diego, did you guess?
You know this is a beautiful city and I have fine friends, a sign that Diego
gave me a high recommendation. Everybody has treated me wonderfully. I
miss Mexico, here everyone is talking about revolution and culture but no
one does anything against Fascism.
My Friend, I am leaving for Mexico.
Alex, te envio esta vista de Paris, sabes a quien me recuerda? a Diego, ¿le
Sabes es hermosa esta ciudad y tengo amigos lindos, amen de que Diego
me recomendo mucho. Todos me han tratado de Maravilla, extraño México,
aqui todos hablan de revolución y cultura sin en cambio nadien [nadie] hace
nada en contra del Fascismo, mi cuate, me voy para México